Wrist guard
Wrist guard
Wrist guard

Wrist guard

정가 $20.95 판매 가격 $16.65
단가  당 

This is a monster gear wrist guard.
Color is in black.
This is the only one.
So if you want to wear it on both sides, buy two.
Anion pads should not be washed.
Wash the band alone with a mild detergent.


For more information, refer to the INFO menu.



Circumference of the upper part of the wrist (cm) Circumference of the upper part of the wrist (cm)
16.7~18.5 M
18.6~20.4 L
20.5~22.4 XL

※ Monster Gear is a functional equipment, not ordinary clothing.
Make sure to measure the correct dimensions.
(When using a tape measure, do not tighten too tightly to measure.)